Pricing Model

All products and features, no upfront commitment required—cancel anytime.

Our pay-as-you-go pricing model gives you the freedom to customize your choice for more efficiency paying only for what you use: Data transferred, requests, compute time, etc.


Start for free

Get free, hands-on experience with the Azion Edge Computing Platform with $300 in credits valid for 12 months. No upfront commitment—cancel anytime.


Pay as you grow

Pay only for the resources you use, and pay less as you grow with our on-demand, tiered pricing model. Ideal for any business stage, with no account maintenance fees.


Commit and save

Save more by committing to a 1, 2, or 3-year plan, and selecting the most cost-effective payment terms for your needs. Ideal for cost-effective, sustained growth.


Add a Service Plan

Select a Service Plan that aligns with your service and compliance requirements for successfully running your workloads with Azion. From Developer to Mission-Critical, we've got your back.


Get lower rates with Savings Plans

With Savings Plans, you qualify for even greater discounts by committing to a consistent amount of usage for a period of 1, 2, or 3 years. This model provides the flexibility to use Azion's products that best fit your needs while reducing your costs by up to 78%.