Edge Storage API
The Edge Functions Storage API is an interface that allows access to the Edge Storage. Through this interface, it’s possible to read and write data in the storage and its buckets.
Class instantiation
To leverage this API, you need to import and instantiate the Storage
class, passing the bucket’s name.
import Storage from "azion:storage";
const storage = new Storage(bucket);
Parameter | Type | Description |
bucket | string | Name of a bucket. |
Return value
Storage object used to access Edge Storage.
async storage.put
The Storage.put
method is used to insert a new object into the storage.
async Storage.put(key, value, options)
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | Identifier that allows the search for an object in the storage |
value | ArrayBuffer ou ReadableStream | Content of the object being stored. In case value implements a ReadableStream, the Stream APIs can be used, and the option content-lenght is required |
options | object | The options attributes are described in the table below |
To pass the options
parameter, you must provide an object with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
content-type | string | The content-type of the object being created. It’s similar to the HTTP Header content-type and describes how the content of the bucket should be treated. content-type is optional. The default value is application/octet-stream |
content-length | string | The size of the object to be created, in bytes. It’s mandatory when the value is ReadableStream |
metadata | object | Any JavaScript object containing information about the object that will be stored in the Storage. All properties of the object must be strings |
Success | Error |
No response | Throws a StorageError |
Code sample
- To persist the request body:
import Storage from "azion:storage";
async function handleRequest(event) { try{ const bucket = “mybucket” const storage = new Storage(bucket); const key = "test"; const inputStream = event.request.body; let contentLength = event.request.headers.get("content-length"); await storage.put(key, inputStream, { "content-length": contentLength }); return new Response("OK"); }catch(error){ return new Response(error, {status:500}); }}
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event));});
- To persist a JSON object:
import Storage from "azion:storage";
async function handleRequest(event) { try{ const bucket = "mybucket"; const storage = new Storage(bucket); const key = "test"; const data = JSON.stringify({ name:"John", address:"Abbey Road" }); const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(data); await storage.put(key, buffer); return new Response("OK"); }catch(error){ return new Response(error, {status:500}); }}
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event));});
- To save a JSON with metadata:
import Storage from "azion:storage";
async function handleRequest(event) { try{ const bucket = "mybucket"; const storage = new Storage(bucket); const key = "test2"; const data = JSON.stringify({ name:"Paul", address:"Abbey Road" }); const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(data); const options = { "content-type": "application/json", "metadata": { info:"test info", counter: "1", }} await storage.put(key, buffer, options); return new Response("OK"); }catch(error){ return new Response(error, {status:500}); }}
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event));});
async storage.get(key)
The storage.get(key)
method is used to retrieve an object.
async storage.get(key)
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | Identifier that allows the search for an object in the bucket |
Success | Error |
Returns an object of the class StorageObject | Throws a StorageError |
Code sample
- To retrieve and return content from the storage:
import Storage from "azion:storage";
async function handleRequest(event) { try{ const bucket = "mybucket"; const storage = new Storage(bucket); const key = "test"; const storageObject = await storage.get(key); return new Response(storageObject.content); }catch(error){ return new Response(error, {status:500}); }}
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event));});
- To get a JSON from the storage:
import Storage from "azion:storage";
async function handleRequest(event) { try{ const bucket = "mybucket"; const storage = new Storage(bucket); const key = "test"; const storageObject = await storage.get(key); const data = new TextDecoder().decode(await storageObject.arrayBuffer()); return new Response(data); }catch(error){ return new Response(error, {status:500}); }}
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event));});
- To read an object’s metadata:
import Storage from "azion:storage";
async function handleRequest(event) { try{ const bucket = "mybucket"; const storage = new Storage(bucket); const key = "test2" const storageObject = await storage.get(key); return new Response(storageObject.metadata.get("info")); }catch(error){ return new Response(error, {status:500}); }}
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event));});
async storage.delete(key)
The Storage.delete(key)
is used to remove an object from Edge Storage.
async Storage.delete(key)
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | Identifier that allows the search for an object in the bucket |
Success | Error |
No response | Throws a StorageError |
Code sample
- To remove an object stored in Edge Storage related to a specific
import Storage from "azion:storage";
async function handleRequest(event) { const bucket = "mybucket"; const storage = new Storage(bucket); const key = "test"; try{ await storage.delete(key); }catch(error){ return new Response(error, {status:500}); } return new Response("Ok");}
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event));});
async storage.list()
The Storage.list()
method is used to list all objects belonging to the specific bucket
await storage.list()
Success | Error |
Returns an object of the class StorageObjectList | It throws a StorageError |
Code sample
- Listing objects from Azion Storage:
import Storage from "azion:storage";
async function handleRequest(event) { try{ const bucket = "mybucket"; const storage = new Storage(bucket); const objectsList = await storage.list(); for (const entry of objectsList.entries) { console.log(`key: ${entry.key} length: ${entry.content_length}`); } return new Response("Ok"); }catch(error){ return new Response(error, {status:500}); }}
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event));});
StorageObject Class Methods
Method | Description |
StorageObject.content | Read-only property containing a ReadableStream for the content stored in the storage |
async StorageObject.arrayBuffer() | Asynchronous function that returns an ArrayBuffer with the content stored in the storage. This method consumes the ReadableStream from the content property |
StorageObject.metadata | Read-only property containing a Map object with the metadata of the object stored in the storage |
StorageObject.contentType | Read-only property containing the content-type of the content stored in the storage |
StorageObject.contentLength | Read-only property containing the size in bytes of the content stored in the storage |
Discover the power of the Edge Storage API interface for accessing and manipulating data in buckets. Watch the video below: