How to install the Videoteca Player integration through Azion Marketplace

The Videoteca Player integration offers a fast and efficient solution for hosting Videofront’s Videoteca player using the iframe embedding method. With this integration, you can load videos by simply passing the video-id query string argument to specify the content to be displayed.


To set up this integration, you need to provide a Username and an API Token from Videoteca. To obtain these credentials, you need to have an account on the Videoteca website.

Getting the integration

To install this integration provided by Azion Marketplace, you have to:

  1. Access Azion Console > Marketplace.
  2. On the Marketplace homepage, select the integration’s card.
  3. Once the integration’s page opens, click the Install button, at the bottom-right corner of the page.

You’ll see a message indicating that your integration was successfully installed.

Setting up the integration

Instantiating the edge function

To create an instance of the integration’s function:

  1. On the Products menu, navigate to Build > Edge Application.
  2. Select the application from the list to which you want to add the integration or create a new edge application.
  3. Select the Functions Instances tab.
  4. Click the + Function Instance button.
  5. Give a name to your instance.
  6. On the dropdown menu, select the Videoteca Player function.
  • This action will load the Arguments tab, where you can add the parameters to execute your application.
  1. In the Arguments tab, pass these parameters:
"videoteca_user": "<your_username>", // Replace with your Videoteca username
"videoteca_token": "<your_token>", // Replace with your Videoteca API token
"custom_html": "<your_html>" // Replace with your custom html


videoteca_userYesThe name of the account from which the function will retrieve the videos
videoteca_tokenYesThe token to access the Videoteca’s API
custom_htmlNoCustom HTML for the page delivered by the function. It must include the tag <!-- videoteca_iframe --> in the HTML, as the function will replace it with the actual iframe of the video
  1. Click the Save button to save your configuration.

Done. Now your Videoteca Player instance is saved.

Setting up the Edge Application Rules Engine

To finish, you have to set up the Rules Engine to configure the behavior and the criteria to run the function.

Still on the Edge Application page:

  1. Select the Rules Engine tab.
  2. Click the + Rule Engine button.
  3. Give a name to the rule.
  4. In Criteria, define the conditions for running the function.
  5. Below, select the Run Function behavior.
    • Select the adequate function according to the name you gave it in the instantiate step.
  6. Click the Save button.

Done. Now the integration will run according to the criteria you set.
