How to configure Data Stream main settings

By accessing Data Stream through Azion Console or Azion API, you can perform a variety of actions to manage your data flows, including create a new data streams, connect them to endpoints, edit data streams settings, view detailed information about each stream and delete or stop data streams that are no longer needed.

To find more detailed information on the product and each configuration, see the reference documentation.

In this section, you’ll modify the main settings of your stream: name, data source, template, domains, and destination via Azion Console.

  1. Access Azion Console > Data Stream.
  2. From the list, select the stream you want to edit or click the + Stream button.
  3. Give your stream a unique and easy-to-remember name.
  4. On the Source dropdown menu, select the one you want to use: Activity History, Edge Applications, Edge Functions, or WAF Events.
  5. On the Template dropdown menu, select the one you want to use.
  6. On Domains > Options, select between **All Curent and Future Domains or Filter Domains.
  7. Under Destination, select a Connector on the dropdown menu: Standard HTTP/HTTPS POST, Apache Kafka, Simples Storage Service (S3), Google BigQuery, Elasticsearch, Splunk, AWS Kinesis Data Firehose, Datadog, IBM QRadar, Azure Monitor, or Azure Blob Storage.
    • You’ll see different fields depending on the endpoint type you choose. Find more information on each of them on the Setting an endpoint page.
  8. Click the Save button.

Watch a video tutorial on how to use Data Stream on Azion’s YouTube channel:
