How to configure the TLS cipher suite for HTTPS edge applications

HTTPS applications require additional security configurations in the form of TLS cryptography. When you configure an edge application with Azion, you can select the minimum TLS version supported and which cipher suite is used by the application.

Configuring an HTTPS application

To enable the HTTPS protocol for your application:

  1. Access Azion Console > Edge Application.
  2. Click the application you want to configure.
  3. In Delivery Settings, select the HTTP and HTTPS support.

Now to specify the minimum TLS version and the cipher suite supported by your application:

  1. In Minimum TLS version, select TLS 1.2.
  2. Under Cipher suite, select TLSv1.2_2021.
  3. Click the Save button.

It may take some time to propagate your changes to the edge. To verify whether your changes took place, you can inspect the page using your browser and locate the security settings of the application. You can also run the DIG command to get more information on your security settings.

The application may still be running in TLS 1.3, since you selected the minimum version and not the exact TLS version used. However, you can check the cipher suite being used against the list of supported ciphers to verify whether the changes took place.
