How to set a payload on Data Stream
While configuring a stream with a Standard HTTP/HTTPS POST connector, you can set a payload to customize the data and how it’ll be streamed.
In this guide, you’ll learn how to configure a payload in NDJSON format.
- Access Azion Console > Data Stream.
- Follow the steps described on the How to use Standard HTTP/HTTPS POST to receive data guide for the Destination section.
- Under Payload, set the values you want to use:
- Payload Format: use
to use the variables added on the Data Set code box. - Payload Log Line Separator: use
to separate lines. - Payload Max Size (optional): accepts values starting from
- Payload Format: use
- Click the Save button.
- Run the following
request in your terminal, replacing[TOKEN VALUE]
with your personal token:
curl --location '' \--header 'Accept: application/json; version=3' \--header 'Authorization: Token [TOKEN VALUE]' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{ "name": "My HTTPS connector", "template_id": 2, "domain_ids": [1656613172], "endpoint": { "endpoint_type": "standard", "url": "", "payload_format": "$dataset", "log_line_separator": "\n", "max_size": 1000024, "headers":{ "header-name-1": "header-api-value-1", "header-name-2": "header-api-value-2", } }}'
- You’ll receive a response similar to this:
{ "results": { "id": 1595, "name": "My HTTPS connector", "template_id": 2, "data_source": "http", "active": true, "endpoint": { "endpoint_type": "standard", "url": "", "log_line_separator": "\n", "payload_format": "$dataset", "max_size": 1000024, "headers": { "header-name-1": "header-api-value-1", "header-name-2": "header-api-value-2", } }, "all_domains": false }, "schema_version": 3}
Wait a few minutes for the changes to propagate and your stream will be updated.