How to manage an Edge SQL database
Edge SQL allows you to create and manage relational databases. This guide covers how to create, list, and delete a database using the Azion API.
Go to Edge SQL referenceAfter creating a database, read How to create an Edge SQL query to populate your database.
Creating a database
Run the following POST
request in your terminal, replacing [TOKEN VALUE]
with your personal token and name
with the desired database name to create a new database:
curl --location '' \--header 'Authorization: Token [TOKEN VALUE]' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{ "name": "my-database"}'
You should receive the following response:
{ "state": "pending", "data": { "id": 118, "name": "my-database", "client_id": "6832h", "status": "creating", "created_at": "2024-04-18T11:22:59.468536Z", "updated_at": "2024-04-18T11:22:59.468586Z", "deleted_at": null }}
Listing all databases
Run the following GET
request in your terminal, replacing [TOKEN VALUE]
with your personal token:
curl --location '' \--header 'Authorization: Token [TOKEN VALUE]'
You should receive the following response:
{ "count": 1, "links": { "first": null, "last": null, "next": null, "prev": null }, "results": [ { "id": 118, "name": "my-database", "client_id": "6832h", "status": "created", "created_at": "2024-04-15T15:15:10.200345Z", "updated_at": "2024-04-15T15:15:47.332481Z", "deleted_at": null } ]}
This endpoint lists all the databases created in your account.
Listing a specific database
Run the following GET
request in your terminal, replacing [TOKEN VALUE]
with your personal token and {id_database}
with the specific id
of the database you’ve retrived in the GET all request:
curl --location '{id_database}' \--header 'Authorization: Token [TOKEN VALUE]'
You should receive the following response:
{ "data": { "id": 118, "name": "my-database", "client_id": "6832h", "status": "created", "created_at": "2024-04-18T11:22:59.468536Z", "updated_at": "2024-04-18T11:23:18.492883Z", "deleted_at": null }}
This endpoint lists only the information regarding the specific database whose ID you’ve provided.
Deleting a database
Run the following DELETE
request in your terminal, replacing [TOKEN VALUE]
with your personal token and {id_database}
with the ID of the database you want to delete:
curl --location --request DELETE '{id_database}' \--header 'Authorization: Token [TOKEN VALUE]'
Learn how to manage Azion Edge SQL databases effectively. Watch the video below: