How to configure main settings
Once you create an edge application with Azion, you have a range of configurations you can modify. In this guide, you’ll learn to modify the protocols, delivery ports, and the encryption type that your application uses to interface with your end-users.
In this guide, you’ll modify some configurations of your application. You can see if the changes ocurred by accessing your Azion domain.
- Access Real-Time Manager.
- On the upper-left corner of the page, open the Products menu, represented by three horizontal lines, and select Edge Application.
- Click the edge application you want to configure. From this screen, you can alter the application’s name, delivery settings, and which modules it uses.
The following steps will guide you through editing an edge application’s settings for a boilerplate application. Feel free to change these settings whenever necessary to suit your requirements.
Delivery protocols
Modify your application to support the available delivery protocols.
- Go to the Main Settings tab.
- Under Delivery Protocol, select HTTP.
- Click the Save button.
After the propagation time, you’ll be able to access your edge application using the HTTP protocol. To test it, access the
You can also make the following cURL request in your terminal with the HTTP schema:
curl -I
If you receive a 2xx
or 3xx
response, it means your application is running on HTTP protocol.
Delivery ports
Choose between the supported delivery ports for each protocol selected.
- Go to the Main Settings tab.
- Under Ports HTTP, in addition to port
, select port8008
. - Click the Save button.
Wait a few minutes for the changes to propagate to the edge and try to access your application using one of the new ports. For example, navigate to
and check if your application is running on the custom port.
Alternatively, you can make the following cURL request from your terminal:
curl -I
A successful response means your application is also running on port 8443
Modules can unlock additional functionalities and features for your applications. See the Pricing page for more details.
For now, you’ll enable two modules. The Application Accelerator and Edge Functions modules will be used for when you tune your cache settings, instantiate an edge function, and work with Rules Engine.
If you’re an Account owner, start by enabling the following modules for your account:
- Access Real-Time Manager.
- On the top-right corner, click the Account menu.
- Select Billing & Subscriptions.
- Navigate to the Subscriptions tab.
- Enable the Application Accelerator and Edge Functions switches.
- Click the Save button.
- On the upper-left corner of the page, open the Products menu, represented by three horizontal lines, and then select Edge Application.
- Click the edge application you want to configure.
- Enable the modules Application Accelerator and Edge Functions.
- Click the Save button.
- Access Azion Console > Edge Application.
- Click the edge application you want to configure. From this screen, you can alter the application’s name, delivery settings, and which modules it uses.
The following steps will guide you through editing an edge application’s settings for a boilerplate application. Feel free to change these settings whenever necessary to suit your requirements.
Delivery protocols
Modify your application to support the available delivery protocols.
- Go to the Main Settings tab.
- Under Protocol Usage, select HTTP support.
- Click the Save button.
After the propagation time, you’ll be able to access your edge application using the HTTP protocol. To test it, access the
You can also make the following cURL request in your terminal with the HTTP schema:
curl -I
If you receive a 2xx
or 3xx
response, it means your application is running on HTTP protocol.
Delivery ports
Choose between the supported delivery ports for each protocol selected.
- Go to the Main Settings tab.
- Under HTTP Ports, in addition to port
, select port8008
. - Click the Save button.
Wait a few minutes for the changes to propagate to the edge and try to access your application using one of the new ports. For example, navigate to
and check if your application is running on the custom port.
Alternatively, you can make the following cURL request from your terminal:
curl -I
A successful response means your application is also running on port 8443
Modules can unlock additional functionalities and features for your applications. See the Pricing page for more details.
For now, you’ll enable two modules. The Application Accelerator and Edge Functions modules will be used for when you tune your cache settings, instantiate an edge function, and work with Rules Engine.
If you’re an Account owner, start by enabling the following modules for your account:
- Access Azion Console.
- On the top-right corner, click the Account menu.
- Select Billing & Subscriptions.
- Navigate to the Subscriptions tab.
- Enable the Application Accelerator and Edge Functions switches.
- Click the Save button.
Next, to enable the modules for your application:
- On the upper-left corner of the page, open the Products menu, represented by three horizontal lines, and then select Edge Application.
- Click the edge application you want to configure.
- Enable the modules Application Accelerator and Edge Functions.
- Click the Save button.
- Run the following
request in your terminal, replacing[TOKEN VALUE]
with your personal token to retrieve your<edge_application_id>
curl --location ' \--header 'Accept: application/json; version=3' \--header 'Authorization: Token [TOKEN VALUE]'
- You’ll receive a response with all your existing edge applications. Copy the value of the
that you want to configure. - Run a
request to modify the application as follows:
curl --location --request PATCH '<edge_application_id>' \--header 'Accept: application/json; version=3' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Token [TOKEN VALUE]' \--data '{ "delivery_protocol": "http", "http_port": [80, 8008], "edge_functions": true, "application_acceleration": true}'
Key | Description |
delivery_protocol | When set to http , enables the HTTP protocol support |
http_port | Sets new HTTP ports to the application. In this case, the array [80, 8008] defines that both ports 80 and 8008 can be used by HTTP requests |
edge_functions | Enables the Edge Functions module |
application_acceleration | Enables the Application Accelerator module |
- You’ll receive a response similar to this:
{ "results": { "id": <edge_application_id>, "name": "", "delivery_protocol": "http", "http_port": [ 80, 8008 ], "https_port": [], "minimum_tls_version": "", "active": true, "debug_rules": false, "http3": false, "websocket": false, "supported_ciphers": "all", "application_acceleration": true, "caching": true, "device_detection": false, "edge_firewall": false, "edge_functions": true, "image_optimization": false, "l2_caching": false, "load_balancer": false, "raw_logs": false, "web_application_firewall": false }}
- Wait a few minutes for the changes to propagate.
- Test your changes by accessing your application using the HTTP protocol and custom ports configured above. You can access your application through a browser using the address
and inspect the page or use the following cURL command for a2xx
status response:
curl -I
- Check the supported cipher suite by inspecting the page or running the DIG command.