JavaScript Runtime APIs - Reponse

The Response interface represents an HTTP response and integrates the Fetch API.


let response = new Response(input [, init])


body optional - object that defines the response body. It can be the null default value or any of the following:

init optional - options object that contains customized options for building the Response, or an empty object, which is the default value. The options are as follows:

  • status int - contains the response “status” code. For example, 200 for success.
  • statusText - contains the “status” message corresponding to the “status” code. For example, OK for 200.
  • headers- contains the Headers object associated with the response.
  • url - contains the response URL.


headers - contains the Headers object associated with the response.

ok - contains a Boolean value indicating whether the response was successful when the “status” is in the range 200-299, or not.

redirected - indicates whether the response is the result of a redirect or not; that is, your URL list has more than one entry.

status - contains the response “status” code. For example, 200 for success.

statusText - contains the “status” message corresponding to the “status” code. For example, OK for 200.

type - contains the type of response. For example, basic, cors.

url - contains the response URL.

useFinalURL - contains a Boolean value indicating whether this is the final URL of the response.

Since Response implements Body, it also has the following properties available:

body - a simple “getter” to read from the body content via the ReadableStream interface. bodyUsed - stores a Boolean that indicates whether the body has already been used in a response.


clone()- creates a copy of the Response object.

redirect()- creates a new response with a different URL.

For more information on Response visit MDN Web Docs.
