Edge Application

Edge Application is an Azion product that allows you to build applications that run in Azion’s edge network. By reducing latency and enhancing throughput, Edge Application optimizes your end-user experience by bringing your application closer to them.

By operating on a reverse proxy architecture, Edge Application allows you to create applications on the edge and direct traffic from your domain to Azion. Through this process, your users can effortlessly access your application via a highly distributed global network of edge nodes. Then, Azion selects which edge node closest to the user can handle the request.

Your content or application has to be available from one or several origins. This origin can consist of one or more web servers from your infrastructure, a cloud service, or one of Azion’s Origin services.

With Edge Application, you can:

  • Define how your content will be cached.
  • Execute functions at the edge.
  • Bring your business rules for any request or response.
  • Optimize content and image delivery for your users.
  • Customize origins and error pages.
Build your first edge application

You can create and manage edge applications using:


Edge Application first stepsFirst steps
Clone an edge applicationHow to clone an edge application
Delete an edge applicationHow to delete an edge application
Edge Application Main SettingsMain Settings
Edge Application Cache SettingsCache Settings
Get to know Edge FunctionsEdge Functions Instances
Get to know Device GroupsDevice Groups
Get to know Error ResponsesError Responses
Get to know OriginsOrigins
Get to know Real-Time PurgeReal-Time Purge
Rules Engine for Edge ApplicationRules Engine


Modules can complement your implementation of Edge Application. You can enable or disable modules in the Main Settings tab of your application, provided your account supports them and there are no existing dependencies upon deactivation.

See the documentation for each module:

Application AcceleratorOptimize API protocols and manage dynamic content delivery to accelerate applications and APIs.
Edge CacheConfigure cache settings to speed up the delivery of static and dynamic content.
Edge FunctionsBuild ultra-low latency applications and customize content delivery.
Image ProcessorOptimize image processing for various devices, browsers, and screen resolutions.
Load BalancerBalance traffic between your origin servers and cloud providers to improve fault tolerance and avoid network congestion.
Tiered CacheAdd a cache layer between your users and the edge to keep objects in cache for longer periods of time.
WebSocket ProxyEnable the WebSocket protocol to establish full-duplex communication channels over one TCP connection.

Advanced settings

Edge Application allows advanced configuration of origins, cache, functions, error pages, and more, optimizing content delivery for improved performance and user experience.

See the documentation for each available setting:

Main SettingsCustomize your application delivery with Azion’s range of protocol options including HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/3 support for a better user experience and secure your connection with TLS ciphers.
OriginsModify your origin address, Host header, path, protocol policies, and HMAC authentication credentials.
Device GroupsCreate groups to change your application’s cache and delivery behavior according to end-user devices.
Error ResponsesCustomize error response pages, their cache expiration time, and their origin.
Cache SettingsConfigure your application’s browser and edge cache expiration time, large file optimization, and advanced cache behavior based on cookies or query strings.
FunctionsInstantiate functions created with Edge Functions.
Rules EngineAutomate the execution of behaviors based on specific parameters for your edge application.


Azion Domains provides you with the flexibility to use automatically generated domains or your own custom domains, allowing you to manage and deliver content effectively through your edge applications with support for secure connections over HTTP and HTTPS.

Learn more about Domains

Digital Certificates

With Digital Certificates, you can enhance the security of your HTTPS applications by binding a custom TLS certificate to your edge application.

Learn more about Digital Certificates

Real-Time Purge

Use Real-Time Purge to clear cached content from Azion’s edge or from the [tiered cache layer]](/en/documentation/products/build/edge-application/tiered-cache/) to maintain content accuracy, reduce outdated content delivery, and deliver an optimal user experience on your edge application.

Learn more about Real-Time Purge


These are the default limits:

Minimum CDN cache TTL60 seconds

For the Application Accelerator module: 0 seconds
Debug Rules log size1.5 kB
Edge-client keepalive connection¹10 to 15 minutes
Single object size in cache10 GB

¹ Azion enforces a keepalive connection duration limit between users and edge applications. To avoid the termination of active connections that require more time to complete, consider implementing file slicing or file compression for large files to improve data transfer speeds.

These are the default limits for each Service Plan:

ScopeDeveloperBusinessEnterpriseMission Critical
Edge applications per account1050200Customizable
