Billing GraphQL API Fields

Each GraphQL API dataset has specific fields that can be used when querying for data from that dataset.

See each available field and their descriptions below.

balanceFinancialEntry (Financial Entries)

clientIdClient unique identifier on Azion. Example: 8437r
entryTypeFinancial entry type. Example: debit, trial_credit
descriptionDescription of the balance entry that’ll be disposed to the client bill and invoice
amountAmount registered in the financial entry according to the currency. Example: 18750
currencyCurrency used in the financial entry. Example: BRL

paymentsClientDebt (Client Debts)

clientIdClient unique identifier on Azion. Example: 8437r
createdDate which the client debt was created/generated in year-month-day format. Example: 2023-07-31
amountTotal value accounted for the client debt according to the currency. Example: 625
currencyCurrency used for the client debt. Example: BRL
startDateStart date of the accounted data in year-month-day format. Example: 2022-06-01
endDateEnd date of the accounted data in year-month-day format. Example: 2022-06-30
paymentDateDate for the client payment in year-month-day format. Example: 2023-07-10
cardBrandBrand of the card used by the client for payment. Example: VISA
cardLast4DigitsLast 4 (four) digits from the client card. Example: 4456
