Terms of Service - May 15, 2019
Last updated: May 15, 2019.
The following definitions related to Products and Services, billing methods, and other terms apply to the purchase and use of Azion Products and Services. We are constantly looking to improve our solutions. Consequently, this document may be updated and you should always look at its latest version.
All Azion products and services are offered as Cloud Services and available through specific Internet communication protocols. Our servers are located at various points of presence (POPs) across the world. Azion Products and Services are orchestrated and configured via the Real-Time Manager interface or its APIs. Products and Services are billed according to their use, type of contract, and prices, as defined in the Customer Agreement.
1. Products and Services
Adaptive Delivery: an Edge Applications’ module designed to detect devices based on the User Agent String sent by users and allowing the delivery of content to different devices and formats from the same URL. The product’s efficiency depends on the proper configuration of the regular expressions that make it possible to map the types of devices and corresponding User Agent Strings. Customer is responsible for keeping and updating the list of device groups, which may include the lists predefined by Azion. Customer’s origin server has the duty of delivering the most appropriate content for each type of device, according to the detection conducted by Adaptive Delivery reported to the origin server via a customizable HTTP header field. Content changes may be cached in Azion’s Edge Servers, according to the defined configurations. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Adaptive Delivery will be billed considering the Data Transferred according to the volumes consumed.
Application Acceleration: an Edge Applications’ module designed to accelerate web applications and APIs. It includes access to protocol optimization features, advanced caching rules (Advanced Cache Key) which allows granular caching with minimum TTL of 0 seconds, segmentation and caching policies based on criteria such as name/value of Cookies and Query Strings, in addition to features such as Rules Engine, Bypass Cache, KeepAlive, Forward Cookies, POST Cache, among others. HTTP GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and OPTIONS methods available. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Application Acceleration will be billed considering the Data Transferred according to the volumes consumed.
Caching (CDN): an Edge Applications’ module designed to deliver web contents of all formats and types, including HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), via the HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, and HTTP/2 protocols, along with support for the HTTP GET, HEAD and OPTIONS methods. Includes access to (1) the Azion network for content delivery; (2) content caching feature with minimum TTL of 60 seconds; (3) HTTP header manipulation; (4) creation of redirecting, access blocking and content delivery rules; (5) the Real-Time Purge tool; (6) delivery of cached content while the origin is inaccessible; (7) delivery of HTTPS (TLS) with OCSP Stapling support; (8) digital certificate uploads and support for the TLS x509 SNI format, in case it is supported by the user’s browser, or use of the shared certificate in Azion’s domain; (9) Raw Logs service; and (10) integration with Azion Products and Services. To use this service, Customers need to store the original version of their Content in an origin web server, which may be the Azion Cloud Storage or any server with HTTP access. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES THAT CONTENTS (OBJECTS) WILL BE AVAILABLE IN CACHE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE TIME-TO-LIVE (TTL) CONFIGURED BY THE CUSTOMER. AZION MAKES THE NECESSARY INVESTMENTS TO KEEP DATA CACHED FOR THE CLOSEST TIME TO THAT CONFIGURED BY CUSTOMERS, HOWEVER, LEAST ACCESSED OBJECTS MAY BE AUTOMATICALLY DELETED FROM THE CACHE TO MAKE ROOM FOR MORE OFTEN ACCESSED OBJECTS VIA AN LRU (LEAST RECENTLY USED) ALGORITHM. MAXIMUM OBJECT SIZE IS 10GB. TO USE THE SERVICE WITH LARGER OBJECTS, CUSTOMERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM AZION. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Caching (CDN) will be billed according to the (a) Total Data Transferred; (b) Requests; and (c) Real-Time Purge Operations, according to the volumes consumed.
Cloud Storage: designed to store data in the cloud with high availability, security and durability. It may be used as an origin server for Edge Applications and is integrated to the Media Packager which is a functionality designed to pack, in real time, media files (audio and video) to delivery using Edge Applications. The media files format supported by the Media Packer are: FLV (Flash Video), MP4 (QuickTime- .mp4, .f4v, .mov, .m4v, .mp4a, .3gp, .3g2), .ismv, /isma and MP3 (.mp3). Files may be transferred to Cloud Storage using the S3 protocol. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Cloud Storage will be billed considering the (a) Used Space; (b) Requests; and (c) Data Transferred, according to the volumes consumed. The delivery format supported by the Media Packager is HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and the files must be stored in a Cloud Storage’s bucket that has Media Packer enabled. Files may be transferred to Cloud Storage using the S3 protocol. AZION DO NOT BACKUP THE DATA STORED IN THE CLOUD STORAGE AND RECOMMEND THAT THE CUSTOMER KEEP, IN ANOTHER LOCATION, A SAFETY COPY OF THEIR DATA. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Cloud Storage will be billed considering the (a) Used Space; (b) Requests; and (c) Data Transferred, and (d) Data Packaged, according to the volumes consumed.
Data Streaming: a Data Stack module designed to collect data from the Edge Applications or any other Azion’s products or services. The Customer will choose which data to be collected and, by doing so, automatically declare to be authorized to collect all the selected data. AZION DOES NOT HOLD RESPONSIBILITY BY: (A) THE USAGE OF THE DATA BY THE CUSTOMER, (B) THE CUSTOMER RIGHTS TO COLLECT THEIR USER’S DATA. The collected data is sent to the customer’s infrastructure using the protocol chosen in the Real-Time Manager interface or API by the Customer, formatted in JSON in a configurable template. The data is dispatched in blocks of 2 thousand requests separated by \n, or 60 seconds, whichever happens first. Azion will use all commercially reasonable efforts to send all the data to the Customer’s infrastructure, or its suppliers, in real time or with a delay lower than 3 minutes. However, in the case of access peaks, attacks or external causes, the delay can be greater. THE CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE AVAILABILITY OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE TO RECEIVE THE DATA AND, IN CASE OF UNAVAILABILITY, AZION CAN DISCARD THE DATA. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Data Streaming will be billed considering the (a) Data Streaming Requests and (b) Data Streamed, according to the volumes consumed.
DDoS Protection: DDoS Protection will be provided exclusively under the terms available at Azion DDoS Documentation (“Guidelines”). By using Azion, Customer (i) authorizes Azion to impose the technical measures available on the Azion platform to control or mitigate DDoS attacks, even though such measures may result in performance degradation, and (ii) acknowledges that the Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) does not apply while a DDoS attack is underway. The following Azion DDoS Protection service options are available: Standard DDoS Protection: includes the following features: (a) network flow analysis (layers 3 and 4); (b) detection of the most common DDoS attacks, network and transport layers, and (c) mitigation of the most common DDoS attacks, network and transport layers, up to the limit of 5 Gbps. Managed DDoS Protection: includes all of the Standard DDoS Protection features plus: (a) detection of more sophisticated DDoS attacks; (b) cost protection via service credits, when applicable; (c) mitigation of larger DDoS attacks, with three protection limit purchase options: (i) Managed DDoS Protection 20 Gbps, for protection against DDoS attacks of up to 20 Gbps; (ii) Managed DDoS Protection 50 Gbps, for protection against DDoS attacks of up to 50 Gbps; (iii) Managed DDoS Protection Unlimited, for unlimited protection against DDoS attacks, the mitigation may use the entire Azion network, in addition to 24x7 access to our Security Response Team (SRT) upon the purchase our Support Mission Critical service. Attacks exceeding the volumes purchased may be immediately blocked until the attack ends. To be eligible for a Service Credit (a) the DDoS attack must result in a bill that exceed the double of the average monthly consumption in the previous six (6) months, excluding the months in which a DDoS attack took place; (b) in the event of an impossibility to calculate the average monthly consumption in the previous six months, the average consumption volume in the available months will be used as basis; (c) Customer must notify the Azion Technical Support about an attack underway by registering a Support Ticket; (d) the Azion Technical Support must have determined the reported DDoS attack is a legitimate attack; and (e) credit applications must be sent by Customer within 30 days after the disputed service bill is closed. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Managed DDoS Protection will be billed at (a) a monthly set fee according to the protection limit purchased (Protection Fee) and, additionally, (b) a fee per total GB traffic (Total Data Transferred). By purchasing our Managed DDoS Protection service, the Customer will be required to pay for a minimum of twelve (12) months of the service. In the event Customer’s average bill exceeds the volume purchased, or in case more than two credits are applied for in a given calendar year, Azion will be entitled to require Customer to pay an additional DDoS Protection Fee for each attack suffered. Only a single credit may be applied each month, even when several attacks take place in the same month. Credits are to be issued as a credit note instead of a revised bill. AZION IS CONSTANTLY SEEKING TO UPGRADE OUR SECURITY MECHANISMS TO MAKE OUR PROTECTION SYSTEMS MORE EFFECTIVE AND REDUCE THE RISK OF IMPACTS TO CUSTOMER APPLICATIONS. HOWEVER, THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES THE DDOS SERVICE WILL BE ABLE TO PREVENT ALL POSSIBLE ATTACKS OR THREATS. CUSTOMERS SHOULD KEEP SECURITY CONTROLS AT THEIR ORIGINS AS WELL. CUSTOMERS ASSUME ALL RISKS OF SERVICE UNAVAILABILITY OWING TO RULES POORLY CONFIGURED IN THE SERVICE.
Digital Certificates: this service brokers and obtains the issuance of shared SSL certificates of the Domain Validated (DV) type from a Certification Authority (CA) chosen by Azion, to be used solely for the Edge Application service. Customers must be able to prove their authority over the desired domains by following the technical procedures set by the CA. SSL certificates and private keys are shared among multiple Customers and will be held exclusively by Azion. Under no circumstances whatsoever will certificates and/or private keys be sent to the Customers. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Digital Certificates will be billed considering the number of Digital Certificates according to the volumes consumed.
Edge Applications: designed to enable Customers to build and execute their own serverless applications at the Edge of the network, closer to users and devices. It is the ideal solution for applications that require low latency response time or real-time data processing. Each Each Edge Application can be assigned to multiple domains which can be accessed by users and devices. To guarantee the proper working of the service, Azion may enable, disable or modify services, POPs, IPs address, servers, any equipment or Customer content, without previous notice, always aiming the maintenance or performance improvement and availability. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Edge Applications will be billed considering the number of Edge Applications, according to the volumes consumed.
Edge Firewall: an Edge Applications’ module designed to control and block access to content and applications directly in Azion’s Edge Servers. Access can be controlled and blocked via IP address or network, geolocation (country of access), ASN, HTTP Referer and Secure Token. Azion uses databases from external suppliers to detect the geolocation based on users’ IP address. Given such databases may be inaccurate at times, Customer is responsible for the use of this access restriction feature. Blocking via HTTP Referer is based on information provided by the browser or application requesting the content and may have been maliciously manipulated by a user to obtain undue access. Therefore, the Customer is responsible for this type of access control. Secure Token is an access validation mechanism based on the MD5 hash, and the Customer is responsible for the security of the secret used to generate the hash. AZION PROVIDES ACCESS CONTROL MECHANISMS BASED ON BEST EFFORTS. HOWEVER, SUCH MECHANISMS ARE NOT AN INSURMOUNTABLE RESTRICTION AGAINST UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS. CUSTOMER SHOULD RESTRICT ACCESS VIA IP ADDRESS TO OBTAIN THE BEST LEVEL OF CONTROL AND AZION RECOMMENDS USING A COMBINATION OF MULTIPLE TECHNIQUES. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Edge Firewall will be billed considering the Requests according to the volumes consumed.
Edge Functions: an Edge Applications’ module designed to run the function’s code on Azion’s Edge Servers, triggered by a request from the user or device, without the need of Customer provisioning or managing the underlying infrastructure. The function’s code must receive 3 parameters: (a) the request’s handler, (b) the reponse’s handler, and (c) a JSON containing the variables parameterization. The function’s code can be used to manipulate or transform the request or response. The created function must be associated to an Edge Application, where it must be parametrized by and argument formatted in JSON containing the function’s variables. The trigger carrying the conditions to execute the function must be configured on the Edge Application associated to the function. Each request that comply with the configured runtime conditions is considered an Invocation which triggers the function’s executions. AZION MAY CEASE, WITHOUT PREVIOUS NOTICE, THE FUNCTION’S EXECUTION: (A) CONSUMING MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM MEMORY DEFINED, (B) EXECUTING FOR LONGER THAN THE MAXIMUM DEFINED. AZION MAY REMOVE FUNCTIONS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED FOR MORE THAN THREE (3) MONTHS. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN CONTENT, INCLUDING: (A) THE CODE’S PERFORMANCE, (B) THE LICENSE FOR USE OF A THIRD PARTY CODE OR THE RESPECT TO THE TERMS OF USE, AND (C) THE SECURITY OF THE SOURCE CODE USED. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Edge Functions will be billed considering (a) Compute Time and (b) Invocations, according to the volume consumed.
Image Optimization: an Edge Applications’ module designed to optimize and dynamically manipulate images, and includes the following features: (1) optimization; (2) cutting; (3) resizing; (4) format conversion, and (5) applying filters such as blurring, noise, watermark, and others. The formats supported are JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP and ICO. Images are manipulated through Query String parameters sent in the request. Image optimization is the process of reducing the image file size, whenever possible, minimizing the quality losses noticeable in the image derived from the optimization process. Images may be delivered in a different file format other than the original, according to users’ access browser, in an effort to improve the delivery (ex: webp). There are no guarantee gains from the optimization process, and customers are tasked with monitoring the average gain from using the service. CUSTOMERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT THE IMAGE OPTIMIZATION PROCESS ALTERS THE CONTENT DELIVERED TO END USERS AND MAY RESULT IN CHANGES TO THE VISUAL QUALITY OF THE IMAGE. AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, AZION MAY UPDATE THE OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMS AND SUCH CHANGES MAY ALTER THE CONTENTS DELIVERED AND THE OPTIMIZATION EFFICIENCY. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Image Optimization will be billed considering the Images Processed according to the volumes consumed.
Live Ingest: designed to receive Live Streaming signals and distribute them using Edge Applications. Live streams must be ingested through the RTMP protocol and authenticated via username and password using an Azion-approved encoder. To enhance streaming availability, we recommend setting up two RTMP endpoints, a primary and a backup one, in different geographical areas. The service includes a dynamic packaging feature to convert the delivery format into HLS so it may be distributed by the Edge Applications in HTTP. Customer’s encoder must follow the recommendations regarding configuration, formats and codecs supported by the service and approved by Azion. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Live Ingest will be billed considering the Data Ingested according to the volumes consumed.
Load Balancer: an Edge Applications’ module designed to balance customers’ HTTP/HTTPS traffic between origins distributed across multiple datacenter, service providers (multi-cloud) or in the same datacenter. It eliminates or reduces the need for dedicated hardware or software and lowers the impact of local failures on global content availability. Includes access to the following features: (1) Round-Robin balancing, Least Connections and IP Hash; (2) assignment of different weights to origins; (3) primary or backup (standby) server configuration; (4) manipulation of errors and exceptions in case of timeouts when connecting to or getting a response from the origin, or in case the origin’s response error is a supported by Azion. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Load Balancer will be billed considering the Data Transferred according to the volumes consumed.
Raw Logs: designed to send various Azion Product and Service logs to the Azion Cloud Storage. The Raw Logs service must be enabled for the desired configurations so that the logs may be saved. Logs are stored in text format, either compacted or not, in the Cloud Storage and can be automatically removed in 45 days, at Azion’s discretion. Logs are accessed via the same means used to access Cloud Storage. IN THE EVENT CUSTOMER IS UNDER ATTACK, ONLY LOG SAMPLES MAY BE MADE AVAILABLE WHILE THE ATTACK IS UNDERWAY. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Raw Logs will be billed solely considering the Used Space in Cloud Storage according to the volumes consumed.
Real-Time Analytics: designed to enable Customers to monitor Azion’s Product and Services key performance indicators via web interface or API. Provides filters for data segmentation by Domain, such as Data Transferred, Bandwidth, Requests, Status Codes, Request Methods, among others, in addition to specific indicators for the Azion’s Products and Services contracted such as WAF, Live Ingest, Cloud Storage, Image Optimization and others. Provides data retention of 24 months and the possibility to export the data to CSV. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Real-Time Analytics will be billed considering Request according to the volumes consumed.
Real-Time Events: designed to enable Customers to analyze Azion’s Product and Services’ events via web interface, searching events in different Data Sources, with different time filters. AZION WILL USE ALL COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE EFFORTS TO RETAIN THE EVENTS FOR 7 DAYS AND MAKE THEM AVAILABLE TO OUR CUSTOMERS WITH A DELAY LOWER THAN 3 MINUTES. IN CASE OF PEAK ACCESS, ATTACKS OR EXTERNAL FACTORS, THE DELAY MAY BE SUPERIOR THAN THE FORESEEN. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, Real-Time Events will be billed considering (a) Data Stored; (b) Real-Time Events Queries, according to the volumes consumed.
Support: Support will be provided exclusively under the terms available at Azion Support Documentation (“Guidelines”). When providing support services, Azion will use all commercially reasonable efforts to (a) respond within the “response times” set in the Guidelines for all cases duly registered via online tickets by the previously authorized contacts and (b) work to identify and solve the issues reported. When reporting a case, Customer may define the severity of the issue. We reserve the right to reclassify the severity level according to the recommendations provided in the Guidelines. All response times are calculated from the registration of the online ticket by an authorized contact. Azion does not guarantee that (i) we will always be able to completely fix an issue, (ii) an issue will no longer take place, or (iii) any support or advice will lead to improved performance or efficiency. You are the sole party responsible for the implementation and outcome of any suggestions or advice you have received. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, support will be billed at the Support Services Fee. Upon signing up to or purchasing the Azion Support Enterprise service, you will be required to pay for a minimum thirty (30) days of the service. Upon signing up to or purchasing the Azion Support Mission Critical service, you will be required to pay for a minimum twelve (12) months of the service. Three options of Azion Support services are available: (1) Support Developer: included in all Azion agreements at no additional cost, except when otherwise provided for. Support Developer includes: (a) access to Customer Services for account-related issues (billing and access); (b) access to documents and whitepapers; access to incident reports and notifications; (c) bug reporting. Services are available Mondays to Fridays during business hours. This option does not include Technical Support or over-the-phone services. (2) Support Enterprise: includes all Support Developer features plus: (a) 24x7 access to support engineers via ticket and over the phone; (b) response time of up to 1 hour for tickets assigned Production System Down severity; (c) unlimited support cases opened by the authorized contacts; and (d) access to Go Live Support, Training, Custom Configurations and Best Practices Review upon an additional fee. (3) Support Mission Critical: includes all Support Enterprise features plus: (a) 8x5 access to Azion Engineers via ticket and over the phone; (b) response time of up to 15 minutes for tickets assigned Business-Critical System Down severity; (c) access to our Go Live Support service for up to 3 events a year; (d) access to our Training service at Azion for up to 2 days a year; (e) access to the creation of Custom Configurations with 5 (five) sites included; (f) access to our Best Practices Review, with the appointment of a Trusted Advisor at Azion; (g) access to our Security Response Team (SRT) when purchased along with Managed DDoS Protection Unlimited, and (h) access to a service channel at Slack for an additional fee.
Web Application Firewall (WAF): an Edge Applications’ module designed to protect websites and web applications, includes features such as: (1) control for mitigating threats such as SQL Injections, Cross-Site Scripting, RFI, and others; (2) creation of configurable rule sets to select the desired protection mechanisms and rule sensitivity; (3) creation of whitelists customized according to the application’s behavior; (4) Counting Mode option to analyze threats without actually blocking them; (5) real-time charts containing information about threats detected and attacks blocked. We recommend enabling the Counting Mode feature assisted by Azion’s Integration Services in the phase of learning the application’s behavior to improve service efficiency and reduce the risk of identifying false positives and blocking legitimate requests. Nevertheless, please be advised legitimate application requests may be blocked in case they coincide with any of the WAF security rules. AZION IS CONSTANTLY SEEKING TO UPGRADE OUR SECURITY MECHANISMS TO MAKE OUR PROTECTION SYSTEMS MORE EFFECTIVE AND REDUCE THE RISK OF IMPACTS TO CUSTOMER APPLICATIONS. WE WILL USE SECURITY TEST TOOLS (PENTEST) ON CUSTOMER APPLICATIONS IN ORDER TO IMPROVE SUCH SECURITY MECHANISMS. HOWEVER, THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES THE WAF SERVICE WILL BE ABLE TO PREVENT ALL POSSIBLE ATTACKS OR THREATS. CUSTOMERS SHOULD KEEP SECURITY PRACTICES AT THEIR ORIGINS AS WELL. CUSTOMERS ASSUME ALL RISKS OF SERVICE UNAVAILABILITY OWING TO RULES POORLY CONFIGURED IN THE SERVICE. Except as otherwise provided for in the Customer Agreement or any other documents attached thereto, WAF will be billed considering the (a) number of Requests; (b) number of WAF Rules and WAF Rule Sets, according to the volumes consumed.
2. Purchase and Billing Options
On Demand Agreement: type of purchase through which Customers pay according to their use of the Azion Products and Services. The amount to be paid by Customer for each Product and Service used corresponds to the volume calculated by Azion for the Calculation Metrics in the billing period times its respective Unit Price, according to the Customer Agreement. When Monthly Consumption Ranges have been specified, the Unit Prices of these Consumption Ranges will apply exclusively to the volumes consumed in the respective Consumption Range and generate a progressive discount as Customer’s consumption increases. Under the On-Demand purchase option, Azion reserves the right to remove the account, contents and other Customer data after 12 months of inactivity by Customer.
Reserved Capacity Agreement: type of purchase through which Customer commits to a minimum consumption and payment corresponding to Customer’s Reserved Capacity. In case the Reserved Capacity is used in excess according to the Calculation Metric, the excess use will be charged from the Customer by multiplying the volume which exceeded the Reserved Capacity by the respective Unit Price for the On-Demand purchase model or as defined under the Customer Agreement. The volume that goes unused in a month, if any, can not be carried over and used in subsequent months.
3. Product Use Calculation Metrics and Methods
Data Stored: the total volume in GB stored in the Real-Time Events.
Data Ingested: the total volume of GB transferred by Customer to our Live Ingest service, a process called ingesting, for subsequent distribution to Azion’s Edges Servers.
Data Packaged: refers to the total volume of GB transferred by our Media Packager product. It is the sum of the volume of data sent by Media Packager to Azion’s Edge Servers Azion, through a process called transmuxing or dynamic packaging. The exchange of traffic between our Cloud Storage and Media Packager product is not charged.
Data Streamed: refers to the total volume of GB transferred by Data Streaming.
Data Streaming Requests: refers to the total sum of events sent by Data Streaming.
Data Transferred: refers to the total volume of GB transferred by Azion for a given Product or Service. Correspond to the sum of (a) the traffic between users or devices and Azion, and (b) the traffic when retrieving the content from the origin server. The metric Data Transferred is computed for each Product or Service, without discounting or diminishing any other metric of any other Services.
Edge Applications: the number of Edge Applications created, independent of being assigned to a Domain or not.
Images Processed: total volume of images processed by our Image Optimization service, whether for optimization, cutting, resizing, application of filters, or other service features. Processed images are calculated at every request by the Azion Edge Servers to our Image Optimization service.
Invocations: refers to the total number of executions of a given function code, independent of neither the processing results nor the success of the code’s execution.
Protection Fee: monthly fee charged according to the level or limit of DDoS protection purchased.
Real-Time Purge Operations: refers to the number of URLs, Wildcard URLs or Cache Keys requested by the Customer’s Purge operation in the billing period.
Real-Time Events Queries: refers to the number of queries made to search for events on Real-Time Events by web interface, API or other Azion Products and Services.
Requests: refers to the total sum of requests, when processed or analyzed by some specific Product or Service. For our Edge Firewall Service enabled in a Domain, even if partially or on a path or under a specific condition, all Requests made to that Domain will be calculated in the Edge Firewall Requests metric. The Requests metric is calculated for each Service, without discounts or reductions being made to other metrics related to any other Services.
Support Services Fee: calculated as a (a) specified minimum monthly amount or, in case such minimum amount is exceeded, (b) a percentage of Customer’s costs for the monthly use of all other Azion Products and Services during the billing period.
Total Data Transferred: refers to the total volume of GB transferred by Azion, for all Customer’s Domains, regardless of the services enabled in each Edge Application. It is the sum of the (a) traffic between users and Azion’s Edge Servers, and (b) traffic from origin servers, even when such origin servers belong to the Azion network, such as in the case of our Cloud Storage, Media Packager, Image Optimization and Live Ingest services.
Used Space: average space usage per GB in Cloud Storage during the billing period, including Customer files or Raw Logs files.
WAF Rule Sets: refers to the number of WAF’s configurations, or rule sets, which may be shared between different Domains.
WAF Rules: the number of rules created by Customers for allowing (whitelist rules) or blocking (blacklist rules) requests.
4. Units Used
Azion follows ISO/IEC 80000 standards and, therefore, traffic unit factors are always converted times 1,000.
TB: terabyte(s), 1 TB = 1.000 GB. GB: gigabyte(s), 1 GB = 1.000 MB. MB: megabyte(s), 1 MB = 1.000 KB. KB ou kB: kilobyte(s), 1KB = 1.000 bytes.