Exemplos em JavaScript - Exemplo geral do uso de edge functions no Edge Firewall
Exemplo geral para o uso de edge functions no Edge Firewall. O exemplo a seguir demonstra as seguintes capacidades:
async function firewallHandler(event) { // Access the value of x-deny, one of the headers let condition = event.request.headers.get("x-deny");
if (condition) { // event.deny() triggers a default 403 Response event.deny(); }
let anotherCondition = event.request.headers.get("x-drop"); // Access the value of x-drop, , one of the headers if (anotherCondition) { // event.drop() drops the connection without returning a Response event.drop(); }
// Access the value of x-third, , one of the headers let aThirdCondition = event.request.headers.get("x-third"); if (aThirdCondition) { // event.addRequestHeader() adds a new header to the Request object, passing key:"value". event.addRequestHeader("X-New-Request-Header", "Hello"); }
// Access the value of x-fourth, one of the headers let aFourthCondition = event.request.headers.get("x-fourth"); if (aFourthCondition) { // event.addResponseHeader() adds a new header to the Response object // that will be delivered after accessing the origin. event.addResponseHeader("X-New-Response-Header", "Bye"); }
// The metadata object contains the attributes of the request if (event.request.metadata["remote_addr"] == "") { // event.respondWith(new Response()) allows you to serve your own Response event.respondWith(new Response('{"my_custom_response": true}', { status: 599, headers: { "content-type": "application/json" } })); }
// If the request was not denied or dropped and did not have a Response returned, // it is necessary to continue the processing, and to do so use use -> event.continue() // Do not forget this command, otherwise the request won't continue! event.continue(); }
addEventListener("firewall", (event) => event.waitUntil(firewallHandler(event)));